Monday, May 30, 2016

The Family you choose and and the one that you can't ..

I am back to my blog after a long time the reason being I didn't know  with whom to share all these that is running in my head and my life at the moment. I thought blogging my thoughts would be a good idea so that at least I can share my situation with total strangers albeit I may not get any instant magic solution or guardian angel, but at least I may find some solace venting out on the digital society called web.

 Situation is nothing new it must have happened everyday , each and every corner around us that we might have seen or heard of . This is age old story of  2 people who want to be together but due to stigmas and social pressures families are finding it difficult to accept the alliance.

There can be variations to this situation in terms of the stand of the two sides one side would appear as the villain and other side the victim but I do not understand why does it have to be so critical, as if this one marriage will define their whole life why is it so difficult to understand its just a event in the life's long journey. There are hell lot of things that we can focus on rather than trying to please the society which itself is busy with their own issues.

I know I may sound as one of those rebellion youngster who feel like the whole world is against them when they fall for someone but I am also trying to think by standing in  parents shoes, nevertheless it may not fit me but its just a sincere attempt although sooner or later I might get overwhelmed by my new age thinking that prevents me from going back and thinking like our previous generation would do.

Its very strange how this gap in thoughts between two different generations has always been there irrespective of  culture or class or anything else. But when you think a little  harder you will realize its something that comes naturally with past experience of certain situations when it comes to our parents.

There are certain inherent fears from past that always stops them from having faith on us that we can handle the situation and stand on our own, we are always the little kid for them. 

So the pressing question is how do you tackle or solve such a situation ... I don't want to sound preachy but my thoughts are go for it calmly and patiently with a hint of rebellion in between so that you can put your point across without sounding immature or detached from your family that has been with you for the important first half of your life and will always be a part of your life, just need to assure them might take time but its worth the journey and accomplishment feeling that comes afterwords.

... :-) 

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